[Eclipse] 이클립스 버전별 jdk (java 8 미지원 추가)
하드 교체 때문에 이클립스 IDE를 최신으로 넣게 되었는데 java 8이 미지원이라고 경고창이 뜨면서 설치가 진행이 안되었다. java 11을 설치하라고 나왔다...........
그래서, 이클립스 버전별로 jdk 지원 범위를 간단히 정리를 하고자 한다.
결론은 2020-09 버전부터는 java11 이상이어야 한다.
참고 : wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse/Installation#Eclipse_4.18_.282020-12.29
Eclipse 4.18 (2020-12)
Eclipse 4.18 (2020-12) was released on December 16, 2020. It is the supported release.
A Java 11 or newer JRE/JDK is required, LTS release are preferred to run all Eclipse 2020-12 packages based on Eclipse 4.18, with certain packages choosing to provide one by default. The Installer now includes a JRE. Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
Eclipse 4.17 (2020-09)
Eclipse 4.17 (2020-09) was released on September 16, 2020.
Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
A Java 11 or newer JRE/JDK is required, LTS release are preferred to run all Eclipse 2020-09 packages based on Eclipse 4.17, as well as the Installer.
Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06)
Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06) was released on June 17, 2020.
Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required, LTS release are preferred to run all Eclipse 2020-06 packages based on Eclipse 4.16, as well as the Installer.
Eclipse 4.15 (2020-03)
Eclipse 4.15 (2020-03) was released on March 18, 2020.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required, LTS release are preferred to run all Eclipse 2020-03 packages based on Eclipse 4.15, as well as the Installer.
Eclipse 4.14 (2019-12)
Eclipse 4.14 (2019-12) was released on December 18, 2019. See Eclipse 2019-12 schedule.
Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required to run all Eclipse 2019-09 packages based on Eclipse 4.14, as well as the Installer.
Eclipse 4.13 (2019-09)
Eclipse 4.13 (2019-09) was released on September 18, 2019. See Eclipse 2019-09 schedule.
Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required to run all Eclipse 2019-09 packages based on Eclipse 4.13, as well as the Installer.
Eclipse 4.12 (2019-06)
Eclipse 4.12 (2019-06) was released on June 19, 2019. See Eclipse 2019-06 schedule.
Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required to run all Eclipse 2019-03 packages based on Eclipse 4.12, as well as the Installer.
Eclipse 4.11 (2019-03)
Eclipse 4.11 (2019-03) was released on March 20, 2019. See Eclipse 2019-03 schedule.
Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required to run all Eclipse 2019-03 packages based on Eclipse 4.11, as well as the Installer.
Eclipse 4.10 (2018-12)
Eclipse 4.10 (2018-12) was released on December 20, 2018. It is the supported release. See Eclipse 2018-12 schedule.
Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required to run all Eclipse 2018-12 packages based on Eclipse 4.10, including running the Installer. The reasoning behind requiring Java 8 are discussed here.
Eclipse 4.9 (2018-09)
Eclipse 4.9 (2018-09) was released on September 19, 2018. See Eclipse 2018-09 schedule.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required to run all Eclipse 2018-09 packages based on Eclipse 4.9, including running the Installer. The reasoning behind requiring Java 8 are discussed here.
Eclipse 4.8 (Photon)
Eclipse 4.8 (Photon) was released on June 27, 2018. See Photon schedule.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required to run all Oxygen packages based on Eclipse 4.7, including running the Installer. The reasoning behind requiring Java 8 are discussed here.
Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen)
Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen) was released on June 28, 2017. See Oxygen schedule.
A Java 8 or newer JRE/JDK is required to run all Oxygen packages based on Eclipse 4.7, including running the Installer. The reasoning behind requiring Java 8 are discussed here.
Eclipse 4.6 (Neon)
Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) was released on June 22, 2016. See Neon schedule.
A Java 8 JRE/JDK is required to run all Neon packages based on Eclipse 4.6, including the Installer. The reasoning behind requiring Java 8 are discussed here.
Eclipse 4.5 (Mars)
Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) was released on June 24, 2015.
A Java 7 JRE/JDK is required for all Mars package downloads based on Eclipse 4.5, including the Installer. Information concerning tested configurations for Eclipse 4.5 is provided here.
Eclipse 4.4 (Luna)
Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) was released on June 25, 2014.
A Java 7 JRE/JDK is required for most of the Luna package downloads based on Eclipse 4.4. Information concerning tested configurations for Eclipse 4.4 is provided here.
Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler)
Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler) was released in June 2013.
A Java 6 JRE/JDK is recommended for Eclipse 4.3. More information concerning tested configurations for Eclipse 4.3 is provided here.
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